Sagittarius Season 2020

Ellen Walters
5 min readNov 21, 2020

Sagittarius season, beginning November 21, promises big changes. Sagittarius, the great Centaur, does not aim its arrows at small, easy game. Ruled by expansive Jupiter, fiery Sagittarius dreams in broad strokes and big pictures. We have the opportunity now to decide what kind of life we want to have moving forward. We can talk all day about how we are sick of fear culture and factory food while we scroll through our fake news, but if we cannot envision a better dream, then we are doomed to continue the old ways. Instead of longing for “normal”, can you envision of a future that is better than anything that has happened so far? Tell your friend about your ideas.

Venus moves into Scorpio the same day the Sun moves into Sagittarius, bringing beauty, healing and love to all the terrain covered in the previous season with her invigorating opposition to Uranus and helpful aspects to Neptune and Pluto. Jupiter and Saturn, visible in the northern sky after dusk, prepare to leave Capricorn at last and move into Aquarius, where they will meet for the Great Conjunction, which all astrologers say is a significant marker into the new era we now find ourselves in.

But before that, we have eclipse season to navigate. An inspiring Lunar Eclipse in Gemini calls us once again to consider our thoughts, words and daily actions with more solution-focused consciousness. As the moon wanes, we have the opportunity for a powerful reset with the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. Make sure your course is set for where you want to go, and be kind to your fellow passengers on spaceship earth.


Let this season be one of gathering inspiration rather than storming into action — we’ll have plenty of time for that in the coming months. Spend some time reflecting on your ideal version of yourself and your most beautiful hopes and dreams for the world. What standards do you hold yourself to that no longer serve you, or maybe never did? Watch for when you complain about the state of the world and make sure you’re putting thought energy into coming up with solutions, no matter how far-fetched they may seem. Sagittarius rules higher learning and spirituality — commit yourself to the jewels encrusted within the dogma rather than the dogma itself.


11/28 Neptune stations direct, Mercury sextile Jupiter. This is a great day to get quiet and listen to your intuition. Be open to new and unexpected ideas. If you are lacking in inspiration as to how to move forward, perhaps the message is about not running so fast. When we are living in alignment with our spirit, life is effortless.

11/30 Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, Mercury sextile Saturn. This is a gorgeous day for conversations that are bound to move you in the direction you are setting for yourself. Keep all your channels open to messages of inspiration and opportunity. This is an important day to center yourself and stay connected to your power.

12/10 Sun trine Mars, Venus sextile Pluto. The only major aspect involving Mars this month, this day moves us forward. This is a day to summon your courage and put your time and effort into whatever is most meaningful to you. If there is an action step available on the path to your greatest dreams, today is the day to take it. If this day doesn’t go so well for you, examine where you are out of alignment in relationship to your personal power, and trust that awareness brings healing.

12/14 New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. This is a good day to resist the urge to be busy. This is a south node eclipse, so it’s about recognizing what we have mastered and what we are ready to let go. Not all battles are worth fighting, and we let go of an unworthy cause, we free up more of our personal energy. What are you ready to let go of, and how will you direct your freed-up energy?


As a refresher…

Once you have a sense of the zodiac backdrop, the movement of the planets is the key to the language of astrology. Planets represent the various Archetypal energies that we live out in our human experience — our primary drives. Like the moon, all the planets have a gravitational relationship with earth and can be seen with the naked eye in the night sky (except Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). In a chart, their placements and relationships hold the keys to a personality. In transit, they stir us up in different ways. We all have all the planets represented in our chart, and the transits of the planets through the sky affect us in various ways. Each planet has a different characteristic, and over the next few months we’ll go over them in more detail in turn.

In brief:

Mercury = communication, thought, and our day-to-day lives

Venus = love, beauty and pleasure.

Jupiter = expansion, abundance, spirituality

Neptune = dreams, illusions, creativity

Uranus = breakthrough, upheaval, the unexpected

JUPITER is one of the brightest planets in the sky, and cultures throughout the ages have associated its light with expansion, abundance, opportunity, prosperity, spirituality, idealism. On its darker polarity, Jupiter also illuminates our hubris and the consequences of over-indulgence. It rules Sagittarius and is the traditional ruler of Pisces (which is ruled by Neptune in Modern astrology). Jupiter, a gas giant with its whopping 79 moons and a blaring red spot, is the largest planet in our solar system — more than 1,300 earths could fit inside Jupiter. It takes 12 years to go around the sun, so it spends roughly 1 year in each zodiac sign. Jupiter’s placement in a chart shows a person’s flavor of blessings and luck, the ways they can expand and grow, and where their talents lie. Working with one’s Jupiter energy in a conscious way allows us to experience more abundance, generosity, talent, luck and spiritual awareness.

VENUS, our closest neighbor on the sunny side, is the queen of the sky and by far the most bright when she is in her glory. Venus is currently shining in the eastern sky before sunrise. The closer to the sun, the more rapid a planet’s movement through the zodiac from our perspective, and Venus moves relatively fast — it takes 225 days to orbit the sun, and spends roughly 1 month in each sign (as little as 23 days or up to 2 months, depending on how it moves according to our perspective). Venus rules Taurus and Libra, as well as our experiences of relationship dynamics, beauty, fertility, pleasure, art, love, and healing. Venus energy is receptive — like a flower petal in full bloom, it just IS, and blessings come without any effort or struggle. Working with our Venus energy strengthens all these qualities in our lives and personality. Jupiter and Venus were traditionally known as the two benefics in the sky, shining their blessings upon us in their various ways.



Ellen Walters

Lifelong student of writing, healing, magic and love